Hi, the name is Sarah Slegh.
I like using design to tell stories.
Everyone wants a good story and wants to be a part of something bigger. I like to design in a way that reveals truths about the world – good and bad – which ultimately leads to a conversation that makes an impact.
I like to design holistically.
Because our world is so interconnected, we can no longer think of a design in isolation. I like to see a design all the way through – imagining how it will develop, adapt and evolve as it get’s release into the wild.
I like to solve problems visually.
I enjoy taking a load of information, digging through it all, and creating something that expresses the idea in an engaging way.
I want to live life, fully alive.
Whether that is designing, simple interactions with others, or gallivanting in the mountains – I want to be fully present and make the most of each situation.